Triple R Silage in Bethel
This field is actually one he is having the adjuster look at for lack of rain. Most would be proud to have it.
Row Width: 30” row
Plant Population 29,900
Harvested Population 29,000
Varieties planted: Croplan 8221
Harvested on September 9th
Estimated Bushels per acre was 173
Fertilizer: 300# 17-17-17 and manure (about 20 units of N from manure)
Herbicide Program: ¼-1/3 oz peak (old exceed) residual. Wait as long as you can. Need to get water on it.
½ oz steadfast Johnson grass $13.77/ac spray when corn is between 6-20” tall.. several weeks of control… Needs water to work
2 oz banvel $.53 or status 6 oz $7.33/ac
2 qts parallel plus $12.48/ac or trizmet $9.78/ac
4# force insecticide $17.08
Notes: Very Uniform stand
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