Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tony Nesbitt 2010 Corn Silage

Tony prefers N91J1 on upland or drought areas and Croplan 9009 on bottoms.  9009 has considerably more grain where it received water. He also said that he realized that in feeding the N91J1 last year he had to increase 3 # of grain to get the same milk. Croplan was not very tall on hill sides but it was drought stressed. This is where these pictures were taken. Could see that the corn had been impacted by ear worms.

Weeds had taken some of the soil moisture.
Average ear size 36x18
Row Width:
Planted Date/Population: 30K
Harvested Date/Population: 8-23-10, 28K
Tallest field he had ever seen. N 91 J 1 where there was plenty of moisture. Estimated 18’.
Fertilizer: 30 gal of 32% nitrogen. 150# 19-23-0 broadcast 150 0-0-60

Herbicide program 2 quarts of generic bicep. Did not go back with anything else. Regretted that this is all he did on only about 3-4 acres. Impacted yield.

Picture below is of Croplan 9009


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