Carland Trial Cont'd
Masters Choice 583
The MC 583 had some good looking ears but had rust and blight issues.
Calculated bushels based on kernel count = 174.4753
Calculated bushels (wet) based on weight or shelled corn = 201.1364
Comparison of 583 (on left) and 550 (on right)
583 rust and blight.... would be a problem if delayed harvest.
Masters Choice 550
Average ear length= 36.81kernels
Average diameter = 15.45 kernels
Calculated bushels based on kernel count = 186.1921
Calculated bushels (wet) based on weight or shelled corn = 233.1074
The entire plot was very clean. Herbicides used include atrazine, trizmet and glyphosate.
The whole plot was very uniform.
30" row spacing
31,000 plant population with harvested population 29.5K
Fertilizer was 45 gallons of 32% UAN and cow manure