Monday, September 13, 2010

Carland Trial Cont'd

Masters Choice 583 
The MC 583 had some good looking ears but had rust and blight issues.
Calculated bushels based on kernel count = 174.4753
Calculated bushels (wet) based on weight or shelled corn = 201.1364

Comparison of 583 (on left) and 550 (on right)
583 rust and blight.... would be a problem if delayed harvest.
Masters Choice 550

Average ear length= 36.81kernels
Average diameter = 15.45 kernels
Calculated bushels based on kernel count = 186.1921
Calculated bushels (wet) based on weight or shelled corn = 233.1074

The entire plot was very clean.  Herbicides used include atrazine, trizmet and glyphosate. 
The whole plot was very uniform. 
30" row spacing
31,000 plant population with harvested population 29.5K
Fertilizer was 45 gallons of 32% UAN and cow manure

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chuck Carland Silage Variety Trial

Trial of Masters Choice 583, 550, 590 & Mycogen 727
Mycogen 727 on August 27th
Harvested 38 tons per acre as calculated by Steve Dillon, NCDA Agronomist.
The load that was weighed was collected from a 5 row strip that was 585 feet long.
5rows x 30” x 1 ft  = 12.5 ft
           Row   12 “
12.5 ‘ x 585 ‘ = 7312.5 square feet x     1 acre   = 0.16787 acres
                                                         43,560  sq ft
6.5 tons                =   38 tons per acre
0.17 acres

Calculated bushels based on kernels:  121.8
Calculated bushels (wet) based on weight of shelled corn = 228.9
Masters Choice 590

This was the best looking, largest ears, tallest and highest tonnage of the varieties Chuck planted.

Calculated bushels based on kenel count = 157.8
Calculated bushels (wet) based on shelled corn = 241.6

JB Ferguson

Called to tell me while he was chopping Croplan 9009 that he was pleasantly pleased with it. He thinks it did a better job than Croplan 8221 even though he was “sick that he had planted it early in the season.” He said that the end results are what matters and he will plant it again.

He was more pleased with this than Croplan 851 recommended by Cocke County.

Ralph Ross and Sons Dairy Silage Bethel

Ralph “not impressed with 851. 8221 good. 67-88 good. 9009 Best they have ever raised.
Weight of grain on 11 ears was 7.15#
Row width average 26 ¾” (17+30+30+30) measure plants per 19.2 feet

Average plants per row foot = 5.69
Harvested population = 36,400
Calculated bushels= 408 bushels (obviously wet weight)
This is superior in plant and ear size to Masters Choice, Dekalb, Mycogen and Pioneer varieties that I saw harvested this same week on other farms but the rain, fertilizer and weed control was almost perfect for this field.
Harvest Date: September 9th.
Tom Bible suggested waiting until May 15th to plant the 9009.
Look at nodes from the bottom. If it was planted early the nodes will be close together. Longer up top indicating warmer weather and faster growth.

Tommy Long Corn Silage in Bethel

Planted and Harvested by Jeremy Wilson and Frank Sorrells. Notes: Very Uniform stand. Row Width: 30” row

Plant Population 29,900
Harvested Population 29,000
Varieties planted: Croplan 8221
Harvested on September 9th
Estimated Bushels per acre was 173
Fertilizer: 300# 17-17-17 and manure (about 20 units of N from manure)

Triple R Silage in Bethel

This field is actually one he is having the adjuster look at for lack of rain.  Most would be proud to have it.

9009 Happy with this. First that was planted and received the least amount of water. Pictures from Bethel. Leslie Smathers is less than a mile away and has weather info. Has the insurance adjuster coming out next week to look at lack of water. Still looks good.
8221 Steve’s comment, “As good as I have ever grown.”

Row Width: 30” row

Plant Population 29,900
Harvested Population 29,000
Varieties planted: Croplan 8221
Harvested on September 9th
Estimated Bushels per acre was 173
Fertilizer: 300# 17-17-17 and manure (about 20 units of N from manure)
Herbicide Program: ¼-1/3 oz peak (old exceed) residual. Wait as long as you can. Need to get water on it.
½ oz steadfast Johnson grass $13.77/ac spray when corn is between 6-20” tall.. several weeks of control… Needs water to work
2 oz banvel $.53 or status 6 oz $7.33/ac
2 qts parallel plus $12.48/ac or trizmet $9.78/ac
4# force insecticide $17.08
Notes: Very Uniform stand

Mike Duckett Corn Silage

Plant Date/Population: 29,000
Harvest Date/Population: 8-24-10 27,430 population
Row Width: 30”
Notes: Mike thought that the 67-21 had more grain than the 67-88. He had more of it in bottom land. Burcucumber was an issue but not taking down corn yet.

Ralph Ross and Sons Dairy Silage Jonathan Creek

Harvest Date/Population: 8-24-10

Harvested Population: 37.3 plants per 20’
Notes: “ 9009 has more ear and is taller but this field did not hurt a day for water.” Hank Ross 9009 does not dent even though it is ready to cut. 31% moisture . 9009 avg cir 14.42 avg lgth 34.67

Tested 30.8% moisture

8221 avg cir 14.18 kernels
Avg length 25.64 kenrels

Tony Nesbitt 2010 Corn Silage

Tony prefers N91J1 on upland or drought areas and Croplan 9009 on bottoms.  9009 has considerably more grain where it received water. He also said that he realized that in feeding the N91J1 last year he had to increase 3 # of grain to get the same milk. Croplan was not very tall on hill sides but it was drought stressed. This is where these pictures were taken. Could see that the corn had been impacted by ear worms.

Weeds had taken some of the soil moisture.
Average ear size 36x18
Row Width:
Planted Date/Population: 30K
Harvested Date/Population: 8-23-10, 28K
Tallest field he had ever seen. N 91 J 1 where there was plenty of moisture. Estimated 18’.
Fertilizer: 30 gal of 32% nitrogen. 150# 19-23-0 broadcast 150 0-0-60

Herbicide program 2 quarts of generic bicep. Did not go back with anything else. Regretted that this is all he did on only about 3-4 acres. Impacted yield.

Picture below is of Croplan 9009

Ramsey Dairy Corn Silage

36” row
Plant Population 40,000
Harvested Population 38,000
Varieties planted: DK 68-77 VT3 & Croplan 9009
Plant date April 19th
Harvested on August 13th
Fertilizer: 500# 10-20-20 in the row, 60 gallons of 30% liquid nitrogen and manure (about 20 units of N from manure)
Herbicide Program: Bullet 2 quarts with 1 quart of atrazine. Nutsedge was still an issue but higher level of atrazine helped veveltleaf. Last year they used only 1 pint of atrazine.
Harvested 400 truckloads averaging 5 tons per truck or about 29 tons per acre.
Weight of corn from20 stalks was:
8.825# on the DK 67-88 (would average 289.1 bushels but not dry)
8.256# on the Croplan 9009 (would average 270.5 bushels if dry)
Notes: Corn earworms were present on Croplan where they were not on the VT3. Not much damage yet. I personally would recommend the 67-88 over the Croplan based solely on these fields. A grower would be proud to have either hybrid.